
Create Expense

How To Create an Expense

  1. Press “+ Record Expense”  button to fill in the new expense.

  1. The admin user needs to fill in the necessary details in each text (* indicates fields that are compulsory to be filled).
  2. If the admin user wants to enable the expense to be converted to an invoice, he/she needs to select the customer for whom this expense is Then, they should check the  checkbox to make this expense billable.
  1. For the Expense Category, the user can select from the items pre-added in the expense category list.
  2. If the user suddenly wants to add a new expense category to the expense category list, they can click the  add button beside the Expense Category selection field . Then, the ‘Add New Category’ window will pop up to let the user fill in the necessary details in each text field (refer to the How to Setup Expenses Categoriessection).

  1. For the ‘Payment Mode’, the user can select from the payment modes pre-added in the offline payment modes list (refer to the How to Setup Offline Payment Modessection).